To the Citizens of Randolph County:
The Randolph County Sheriff’s Office is an organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for all citizens in Randolph County by providing professional law enforcement services through objectiveness, fortitude, and accountability for all citizens.
We at the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind everyone that school is set to begin on Monday, August 6th and we would like everyone to drive with caution as children will be walking to school and to the bus stops.
We would like to Thank “ The Pilot Club, Diverse Power, Paytel Communication, Kay’s Store, Kimble’s Food, Summit Foods and Purity lodge #93 for the donation of school supplies and paper.
We would also like to thank all the parents for bringing the children out to our annual back to school bash give away, helping make it a success.
For the month of July, we answered a total of 95 calls for service, served a total of 140 civil papers, and wrote a total of 54 traffic citations. We would like to make everyone aware of fake currency that is traveling throughout the area and surrounding counties. Also, be aware of any IRS phone scams. Do not give any personal information over the phone!
The Randolph County Sheriff’s Office hopes everyone had a great summer and
Have A Great School Year!